Actividade humana influencia os furacões?
Actividade humana influencia os furacões?
Actividade humana influencia os furacões?
Two thousand tropical cyclones in each of 5 basins
were simulated using global model data from the last
20 yr of the twentieth century, and the last 20 yr of
the twenty-second century as simulated by assuming
IPCC emission scenario A1b. These simulations show
potentially large changes in tropical cyclone activity
in response to global warming, though the sign and
magnitude of the changes vary a great deal from
basin to basin and from model to model, reflecting
large regional differences in the global model predictions
as well as natural multidecadal variability
in each model that cannot be averaged out over the
20-yr periods considered here. There is an overall
tendency toward decreasing frequency of events in the
Southern Hemisphere, consistent with direct simulations
of tropical cyclones using global climate models,
and power dissipation and storm intensity generally
increase, as expected from theory and prior work
with regional tropical cyclone models. On the other
hand, there is a tendency toward increased frequency
of events in the western North Pacific.
It is noteworthy that simulated global tropical
cyclone power dissipation increases by more
than 60% in simulations driven by NCAR–NCEP
reanalysis over the period of 1980–2006, consistent
with deductions from best-track data, while global
power dissipation increases somewhat more than
that over the next 200 yr in simulations driven by
climate models undergoing global warming. This
suggests either that the greater part of the large
global increase in power dissipation over the past
27 yr cannot be ascribed to global warming, or that
there is some systematic deficiency in our technique
or in global models that leads to the underprediction
of the response of tropical cyclones to global
warming. As shown by comparing Figs. 8b to 10, the
predicted global changes in storm frequency depends
on a rather simplistic representation of the vertical
distribution of moist entropy in the atmosphere as
represented by the parameter χm, defined by (3).
Because χm varies little within the tropics in the
present climate, it is difficult to test the sensitivity
to it against real data.