Foi libertada a informação do IPCC 4AR - parece acabar com a manipulação de dados, senão vejamos:
" IPCC 4AR Second Draft says that “recent warming is strongly evident at all latitudes in SSTs over each of the oceans“. “Strongly” seems to be a new favorite word - think of all the times that Holland and Webster use it. Given the declining trend in Antarctic (satellite) temperatures, I wondered whether this statement was actually true. I looked at both Mears-Wentz and Christy data. Surprise, surprise - recent warming is not evident over all latitudes - much less “strongly evident”. Here’s a graph of trends from Mears and Wentz which shows increasing temperatures over most parts of the world, but declining trends in the Southern Ocean - which seems to flatly contradict the claim in the 2nd Draft "
Parece que os oceanos a sul estão arrefecer e a norte a aumentar
Concerteza que iremos ver mais disto brevemente?!
Mas espero por um relatório mais recente antes de se tirar conclusões precipitadas
Vossos pensamentos pessoal?
Foi libertada a informação do IPCC 4AR - parece acabar com a manipulação de dados, senão vejamos:
" IPCC 4AR Second Draft says that “recent warming is strongly evident at all latitudes in SSTs over each of the oceans“. “Strongly” seems to be a new favorite word - think of all the times that Holland and Webster use it. Given the declining trend in Antarctic (satellite) temperatures, I wondered whether this statement was actually true. I looked at both Mears-Wentz and Christy data. Surprise, surprise - recent warming is not evident over all latitudes - much less “strongly evident”. Here’s a graph of trends from Mears and Wentz which shows increasing temperatures over most parts of the world, but declining trends in the Southern Ocean - which seems to flatly contradict the claim in the 2nd Draft "
Parece que os oceanos a sul estão arrefecer e a norte a aumentar
Concerteza que iremos ver mais disto brevemente?!
Mas espero por um relatório mais recente antes de se tirar conclusões precipitadas
Vossos pensamentos pessoal?