Mais um documento interessante que descobri num forum espanhol. Sobre algumas tempestades que se formam no Mediterrâneo e que tem algumas semelhanças com ciclones/depressões tropicais.
Link Documento:
Genesis and maintenance of “Mediterranean hurricanes”
Cyclonic storms that closely resemble tropical
cyclones in satellite images occasionally form over the
Mediterranean Sea. Synoptic and mesoscale analyses of such
storms show small, warm-core structure and surface winds
sometimes exceeding 25 ms−1 over small areas. These analyses,
together with numerical simulations, reveal that in their
mature stages, such storms intensify and are maintained by a
feedback between surface enthalpy fluxes and wind, and as
such are isomorphic with tropical cyclones. In this paper, I
demonstrate that a cold, upper low over the Mediterranean
can produce strong cyclogenesis in an axisymmetric model,
thereby showing that baroclinic instability is not necessary
during the mature stages of Mediterranean hurricanes.
Link Documento: