Na wiki do Cumulus está a explicar a posição de cada valor no dayfile.txt e nos ficheiros de log.
Tambem andei por aí, mas aí tem 41 dados e na minha tenho 25
No help do cumulus, tambem pouco ajuda:
Field Example Description
1 18/10/08 date (always dd/mm/yy)
2 16:03:45 time(always hh:mm:ss)
3 8.4 outside temperature
4 84 relative humidity
5 5.8 dewpoint
6 24.2 wind speed (average)
7 33.0 latest wind speed reading
8 261 wind bearing (degrees)
9 0.0 current rain rate
10 1.0 rain today
11 999.7 barometer
12 W wind direction
13 6 wind speed (beaufort)
14 mph wind units
15 C temperature units
16 mb pressure units
17 mm rain units
18 146.6 wind run (today)
19 +0.1 pressure trend value
20 85.2 monthly rainfall
21 588.4 yearly rainfall
22 11.6 yesterday's rainfall
23 20.3 inside temperature
24 57 inside humidity
25 3.6 wind chill
26 -0.7 temperature trend value
27 10.9 today's high temp
28 12:00 time of today's high temp (hh:mm)
29 7.8 today's low temp
30 14:41 time of today's low temp (hh:mm)
31 37.4 today's high wind speed (average)
32 14:38 time of today's high wind speed (average) (hh:mm)
33 44.0 today's high wind gust
34 14:28 time of today's high wind gust (hh:mm)
35 999.8 today's high pressure
36 16:01 time of today's high pressure (hh:mm)
37 998.4 today's low pressure
38 12:06 time of today's low pressure (hh:mm)
39 1.8.2 Cumulus version
40 448 Cumulus build number
41 36.0 10-minute high gust
42 10.3 heat index
43 10.5 humidex
44 13 UV Index
45 0.2 Evapotranspiration today
46 14 Solar Radiation W/m2
47 260 10-minute average wind bearing (degrees)
48 2.3 rainfall last hour
49 13 current forecast number (see samplestrings.ini). Negative means 'exceptional'
50 1 Is it daylight? 1 if currently within daylight hours (between dawn and dusk), 0 if not
51 0 Sensor contact lost (1 = yes) (Fine Offset only)
52 NNW wind direction (average)
53 2040 Cloudbase
54 ft Cloudbase units
55 12.3 Apparent Temperature
56 11.1 Sunshine hours so far today
57 420.1 Current theoretical max solar radiation
58 1 Is it sunny? 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0. Requires your station to have a solar sensor.