WMO - Novo Atlas Internacional das Nuvens - Submissão de Fotografias/Vídeos/Animações


5 Jul 2011
The World Meteorological Organization is issuing another call for the submission of high quality photographs of clouds to feature as “reference images” in the next edition of the International Cloud Atlas.

The aim is to produce a user-friendly, digital-based product, which is an authoritative, comprehensive and up-to-date source of reference and is also interesting and accessible to a wide audience. It will also include new types of cloud.

Professional meteorologists, weather observers and cloud photographers are encouraged to submit high-resolution colour images of all types of clouds and meteors, along with accompanying metadata (information on where and when the photograph was taken and a description of the weather situation).

Submissions should be sent, before the end of March, to a special dedicated website operated by the Hong Kong Observatory on behalf of WMO. They will be considered by a special international Task Team, which hopes to select the images by the end of this year, and conclude the revision of the Cloud Atlas during 2016. WMO wants to ensure a wide geographical spread of images.
