Seguimento América do Norte - 2011


21 Mar 2007
Inverno rigoroso

Nova York decreta emergência diante de nova nevasca

Uma forte nevasca atingiu a cidade de Nova York na noite de terça-feira, forçando o cancelamento de milhares de voos na quarta-feira. O transporte público urbano também deve ser afetado, mas as escolas públicas vão abrir, de acordo com anúncio feiro no início da manhã pelo Departamento de Educação.


Foto AFP

A nevasca começou por volta das 21h (horário local), mas, horas antes, o prefeito Michael Bloomberg já havia declarado estado de emergência - medida que não foi tomada nos dias 26 e 27 de dezembro, quando a neve paralisou a cidade.
Segundo Bloomberg, a neve poderia alcançar até 35 centímetros de espessura em Nova York. O estado de emergência determina aos motoristas que evitem utilizar seus carros e permite a remoção de veículos que impeçam os serviços de limpeza da neve.
O prefeito foi alvo de duras críticas pela resposta considerada insuficiente às nevascas de dezembro. Na época, ele assumiu a responsabilidade pelas falhas e se disse "profundamente insatisfeito" com a atuação dos serviços de emergência.
A neve também causa transtornos em outras cidades americanas como Nova Jersey, Atlanta e Denver.

Último Segundo


1 Mar 2009
Califórnia à espera da "super-tempestade"

Qualquer semelhança com um argumento de Hollywood é mesmo coincidência: os cientistas norte-americanos estão a aconselhar os governantes a tomar medidas para enfrentar uma super-tempestade que estará prestes a atingir a Califórnia

A descrição impõe respeito. Uma tempestade que pode durar até 40 dias, produzir mais de três metros de chuvas e provocar 3 mil milhões de dólares de prejuízo. Os meteorologistas chamam-lhe "the Big One" ("a grande") e, a confirmar-se a sua dimensão, seria a mais destrutiva da história moderna da Califórnia.

Em causa está um "rio atmosférico", uma enorme corrente oriunda do Oceano Pacífico, que está a aproximar-se daquele estado norte-americano.Segundo o cenário divulgado na semana passada, o evento tem lugar a cada 100/200 anos e este pode ser responsável por uma destruição sem precedentes.

9:38 Quarta feira, 19 de Jan de 2011

Será isto verdade acabei de ver esta noticia no site da visão->


Super Célula
10 Abr 2008
Sitio das Fontes e Carvoeiro (Lagoa - Algarve)
Será isto verdade acabei de ver esta noticia no site da visão->

Para bom entendedor:

Western U.S. Weather BlogShare |
Flooding/Irresponsible California Super Storm Warning
Jan 17, 2011; 2:00 PM ET

First, let's talk about the flooding problems in the Northwest. A series of storms over the last week or so has caused flooding along some of Washington and western Oregon rivers and streams. Most lowlands have had 3 to 6 inches of rain, but some of the west-facing slopes of the Cascades in western Washington has had 6, or more, inches of rain in just the past 24 to 48 hours. This combined with snow melt caused a rapid rise in the water levels.

The following maps are the stages of rivers and streams as of 1:00 p.m. PT. Red and purple are waters that are causing moderate to major flooding.
The good news is that the water levels should start dropping. The train of heavy storms is over with only a few light showers today. A fast-moving, upper-level disturbance will bring some rain tomorrow, but it will be a rather light event and will not add to any problems. Once that is over, Wednesday into part of Thursday will be rain-free before a rather run-of-the-mill storm moves in later Thursday and Friday. So conditions should gradually improve during the week.

California's So-Called Super Storm
This is a rare editorial on my part. Let me say at the beginning. These are my views and my views only; they do not necessarily represent any one else's views or those of

I have had a number people ask me in the last week or so about the so-called prediction that has been circulating that a group of 100 scientists issued in a report on the possibility of a massive superstorm that could devastate California. In a article they said,

"California faces the risk of a massive "superstorm" that could flood a quarter of the state's homes and cause $300 billion to $400 billion in damage."

In addition, the article said.

"The scientists built a model that showed a storm could last for more than 40 days and dump 10 feet of water on the state. The storm would be goaded on by an "atmospheric river" that would move water "at the same rate as 50 Mississippis discharging water into the Gulf of Mexico," according to the AP. Winds could reach 125 miles per hour, and landslides could compound the damage, the report notes."

I felt a lot of emotions about this report by these scientists, and they ranged from anger to disgust to amusement. I am not sure which one is the biggest emotion.

To be fair, they did say this was a hypothetical situation but not improbable, but so is everything and anything that I could ever dream of happening with regards to weather. I could speculate there will be a hurricane with over 300-mph winds, a tornado will level all of Midtown Manhattan and the next Ice Age will bring glaciers to half the United States in the next 200 years. It's hypothetical to be sure but not improbable. Just like these people did I could develop a model that showed all of this happening. One can develop a model to show whatever anyone wanted to show if you put in the right equations.

I guess the coup de grace for me was the last line in the article.

"Federal and state emergency management officials convened a conference about emergency preparations for possible superstorms last week."

Did they REALLY waste tax payers money to convene a conference on how to get ready for a purely hypothetical doomsday scenario? REALLY?

In the end, perhaps my foremost thought on all this is how irresponsible this report was, at least in my eyes. The average person reading about this report will not remember, if they are even told, that this is hypothetical. It is just another doomsday prediction for hype. Scientists, leave these kinds of doomsday predictions to Hollywood and certainly don't waste the taxpayers' money on how to prepare for such an event. California can't fund their schools, but they are wasting money on this.

Okay, off my soapbox I step.



23 Mar 2009
Manta Rota - Algarve
Vamos lá ver se nós nos entendemos. hehehe
Então com esta tempestade mais as fortes chuvas que cairam na região no fim do ano passa onde fica o fenomeno La Ninã??!!
Porque se não estou a dizer nenhuma asneira com o La Ninã activo, esta zona da América do Norte era para estar em seca. E assim esta a ser contradito!!:huh:


9 Jan 2009
Inverness, Escocia
Esse artigo é de facto MUITO MESMO MUITO irresponsável.

Uma tempestade durar 40 dias só mesmo na Bíblia.

No máximo uma tempestade dura 4-5 dias. E é altamente improvável uma sequência de tempestades durar 40 dias, embora um jet stream bloqueado durante 2-3 semanas possa realmente despejar inundações catastróficas.

Mas será que os cientistas foram buscar à Bíblia a inspiração?

Mário Barros

18 Nov 2006
Maçores (Torre de Moncorvo) / Algueirão (Sintra)
Vaga de frio atinge Estados Unidos com registos de 40 graus negativos

Uma onda de frio está a afetar os Estados Unidos desde sexta-feira, com as temperaturas a descerem aos 40 graus negativos em alguns locais, de acordo com dados dos meteorologistas citados pela agência de notícias France Presse

O frio recorde foi registada no estado do Minnesota, onde a cidade de International Falls, perto da fronteira com o Canada e que reivindica o título de "congelador do país", registou 43 graus negativos na sexta-feira, a temperatura mais baixa registada na cidade desde 1897, quando se iniciaram os registos de temperatura.

Hoje, naquela cidade, as temperaturas subiram ligeiramente para 25 graus negativos, mas os meteorologistas indicaram que a sensação de frio foi ainda maior por causa do vento.

O instituto de meteorologia dos Estados Unidos emitiu um aviso à população, a alertar contra o risco de "hipotermia mortalmente perigosa."

O mês de janeiro é normalmente muito frio no 'Midwest' norte-americano, que inclui oito Estados (Ilinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio e Wisconsin), mas as temperaturas neste fim de semana são excecionais, dizem os meteorologistas.



Super Célula
28 Dez 2008
Paços de Ferreira, 292 mts
Arctic Oscillation Chills North America, Warms Arctic
A oscilação do árctico arrefece a América do Norte e aquece o árctico.

É brutal a anomalia sentida de 9 a 16 deste mês por aquelas paragens.



Snow fell in the U.S. Deep South, severe storms battered the East Coast, and International Falls, Minnesota, set a new temperature record: -46 degrees Fahrenheit (-43 degrees Celsius) on January 21. But in areas north of the United States and southern Canada, temperatures were above normal. In fact, unusual warmth forced residents of Iqaluit, capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, to cancel their New Year’s snowmobile parade.

This map of the United States, Canada, eastern Siberia, and Greenland shows temperature anomalies for January 9 to 16, 2011, compared to the same dates from 2003 through 2010. The anomalies are based on land surface temperatures observed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. Areas with above-average temperatures appear in red and orange, and areas with below-average temperatures appear in shades of blue. Oceans, lakes, and areas with insufficient data (usually because of persistent clouds) appear in gray.

Because this image shows temperature anomalies rather than absolute temperatures, red or orange areas are not necessarily warmer than blue areas. The reds and blues indicate local temperatures that are warmer or colder than the norm for that particular area. The overall configuration of warmer-than-normal temperatures in the north and cooler-than-normal temperatures in the south probably results from a climate pattern known as the Arctic Oscillation (AO).

The AO is a pattern of differences in air pressure between the Arctic and mid-latitudes. When the AO is in “positive” phase, air pressure over the Arctic is low, pressure over the mid-latitudes is high, and prevailing winds confine extremely cold air to the Arctic. But when the AO is in “negative” phase, the pressure gradient weakens. The air pressure over the Arctic is not quite so low, and air pressure at mid-latitudes is not as high. In this negative phase, the AO enables Arctic air to slide south and warm air to slip north.

The AO went into negative phase in the Northern Hemisphere winter of 2009–2010. The AO was in negative mode again in the winter of 2010–2011, affecting temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere as early as December 2010.

The AO can change from positive to negative mode, and vice versa, sometimes in a matter of weeks. Forecasts from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) indicated that the AO might return to positive mode in February 2011, although the possibility of a lingering negative mode remained.

Garriss, E.B. (2011, January). Blame the Arctic Oscillation! The Old Farmer's Almanac. Accessed January 25, 2011.
Gillis, J. (2011, January 24). Cold Jumps Arctic “Fence,” Stoking Winter’s Fury. The New York Times. Accessed January 25, 2011.
NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (2011, January). Monitoring Weather and Climate. Accessed January 25, 2011.
O’Carroll, Staff. (2011, January). The Five Coldest Places on Earth. Christian Science Monitor. Accessed January 25, 2011.
NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC). Caption by Michon Scott.

Aqua - MODIS
In Earth Observatory, NASA