Vejam o tamanho deste 3º ciclone a caminho de Moçambique (o Flavio já lá chegou e o 2º já está perto de Madagáscar):
ora noticias do ciclone Favio, Portugal Diario:
A passagem do ciclone Favio pelo sul e centro de Moçambique, com ventos superiores a 180 km/h, fez 17 feridos e destruiu total ou parcialmente centenas de edifícios, incluindo uma cadeia em Vilanculo (Inhambane), indica um balanço preliminar.
A cidade de Vilanculo (cerca de 800 quilómetros a norte de Maputo), por onde o centro do ciclone entrou no país na manhã de quinta-feira, foi a mais atingida, permanecendo sem energia eléctrica e sem comunicações telefónicas fixas e móveis.
Os telhados de edifícios públicos de Vilanculo como a maternidade, o centro de saúde, o armazém distrital, a delegação do Instituto de Meteorologia, entre outros, foram total ou parcialmente arrancados.
A força do vento destruiu ainda centenas de casas de construção precária.
Apesar de o balanço preliminar indicar a existência de 17 feridos, as autoridades temem que o número possa ser mais elevado, face à destruição provocada em edifícios como o hospital.
A passagem do ciclone sobre Vilanculo originou ainda um episódio insólito: o telhado da prisão da cidade foi arrancado pela força do vento permitindo a fuga aos reclusos, que de encontram todos a monte.
De acordo com o Centro Nacional de Operações de Emergência (CENOE) existem cerca de 93 mil pessoas afectadas em Govuro, Inhassoro e Vilanculo, na província de Inhambane (sul).
Quanto a outras regiões do país atravessadas pelo ciclone, as informações disponíveis até ao momento são muito exíguas, já que muitas estradas foram cortadas e as comunicações permanecem interrompidas.
Durante a última noite, o ciclone avançou pelo interior do país, na direcção noroeste, perdendo gradualmente força (os ventos deverão ter abrandado para 100 a 120 quilómetros por hora).
As províncias de Sofala e Manica (centro) deverão ainda ser atravessadas pelo ciclone, que se dirigirá depois para o vizinho Zimbabué
para alem dos estragos, e de alguns feridos, agora tb reclusos a monte
Não houve mortos, só feridos??? Isso é que é de estranhar
Cyclone Favio claims 4 lives
Maputo - A powerful tropical storm killed four people and injured at least 70 in Mozambique's resort town of Vilanculos, where thousands of homes were destroyed along with the hospital and power grid, said officials on Friday.
Cyclone Favio was downgraded to a tropical storm on Friday as wind speeds dropped from a peak of 270kph to between 60-80kph.
But officials fear rains from the storm could still dramatically worsen an existing flood disaster in the centre of the country.
Vilanculos Mayor Selmane Amugy said the deaths occurred when Favio crashed ashore early on Thursday, hitting people's homes as they were sleeping.
He said: "Four people were killed, 70 others seriously injured and about 2 000 homes were destroyed.
"There are no words to describe the drama. I haven't seen such a thing in my life.
Prison break
"All 600 prisoners escaped when the local jail was destroyed and we had to evacuate about 120 patients from the rural hospital."
Amugy said many key buildings in Vilanculos - a popular beach town favoured by tourists - were damaged and the local airport was closed.
"We had to call off all operations at the airport, trees at Tofo Beach were uprooted and homes destroyed and this worsened erosion," he said.
Tourist destinations in trouble
Bazaruto Island, another popular Mozambican tourist destination which is reachable only by boats and helicopters, was still cut off from communications as the regional electricity grid was wrecked.
At the peak of the summer season, Bazaruto attracts wealthy tourists from across the world to its upmarket lodges.
The government has dispatched an emergency team of medical personnel, engineers and technicians to assess the damage.
Mozambique's national weather agency, Inam, said the weakened storm was headed northwards toward the port city of Beira.
Officials fear it may take its rains onward toward the Zambezi river basin, where several weeks of severe flooding has already displaced more than 120 000 people.
Inam spokesperson Helder Sueia said: "It's no longer a tropical cyclone now, it's a tropical depression meaning it has weakened but still accompanied by heavy rains, it has winds of between 60 and 80kph."
Rain impacts flooding
He added that the storm unearthed trees and blew off rooftops in Beira's densely populated suburb of Pontagea on Friday.
"It's still taking the same direction and it's not as powerful as it was a few hours ago, but the rains can still impact on the flooding situation," he said.
Officials and humanitarian agencies are already battling to keep tens of thousands of flood refugees in central Mozambique supplied with food and fresh water.
The former Portuguese colony saw its worst disaster on record in 2000-2001 when a series of cyclones compounded widespread flooding in southern and central parts of the country, killing 700 people and driving nearly a half a million from their homes.
O Favio é uma foto impressionante