bem aqui deixo esta noticia porreira sobre toda esta cena feita para que al gore ganhe não só o nobel da paz como se fazer novo presidente dos estados da tanga ( usa ) amerdicanos não gosto deles nem com batata frita.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Al Gore is, well, almost as bad as John Kerry, but now it seems that Kerry has finally learned to keep his mouth shut, at least for now. Not so much Al Gore.
At the recent Academy Awards Al Gore won an Oscar for best documentary film; too bad the film and book are convenient lies based on a political agenda rather than good science. But that has never stopped the Left. As with most on the Left, global warming and environmentalism are the cause celeb; their rallying cry and organizing concept. It is also the Left's religion. An Inconvenient Truth blames Man for global warming and forecasts dire consequences for the world unless we reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the next ten years.
Of course, the way they propose to do this is by growing government and adding even more regulations to hinder business and increase their costs. The only dire consequences would be for businesses, every consumer, and particularly for the poor and elderly who would have to pay more for everything because of the new environmental taxes. Make no mistake about it; everything will cost more and our businesses will be less competitive internationally. This will result in plant closings and job layoffs; basic economics that the Left has such a difficult time understanding.
During Gore's world tour to promote his book and heighten his visibility in preparation for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, he had numerous opportunities to debate real climatologists who had offered opposing ideas about the real cause of global warming and he refused each one. He was afraid to debate anyone who knew something about the topic that did not already agree with him. He was there to deliver his message, not debate anyone on the facts who might challenge his faulty science. Facts were never part of his equation.
Now we hear that the debate is over and the case is closed; their other god has ruled - the United Nations - has decided that global warming is 'caused' by Man so there is no need for any further discussion; it is time for action. Surprise! This type of socialist-collectivist mentality could not be further from either the truth or from reality.
But Al Gore may know what he is talking about at least in one area; energy consumption. In this area at least, he may have some 'street creds'.
Take, for example, Gore's 20 room mansion in Nashville, Tennessee. His average electricity bill is more than $1,300 per month. His yearly combined natural gas and electricity utility bill is almost $30,000. That is enough energy to provide energy for 20 typical American homes. Clearly, Al Gore practices what he preaches and is doing his part to conserve energy. His motto must be: Do as I say, not as I do. This type of hypocrisy is typical of the Leftist elite.
None of us should completely disregard our own energy use and we should what we can to reduce it. However, it should not be a government-mandated reduction. Afterall, we have free will, we live on the same planet, and we should endeavor to protect both our own economic interests as well as the environment in which we all live.
Back at the Academy Awards; Melissa Etheridge won best theme song for the motion picture An Inconvenient Truth beating out four competitors, including three songs for the film Dreamgirls, for some song no one has ever heard. Coincidence or preplanned politics?
There are many excellent books out that contradict the Left's specious assertion that Man is the 'cause' of global warming.
One of the newest and best is The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, Mr. Horner makes the point that environmentalism is the religion of the Left and heresy by anyone with a different view will not be tolerated. Another superb book is Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years by Dennis T. Avery and S. Fred Singer. Both are highly recommended.
The Left's political socialist-collectivist political agenda concerning global warming and environmentalism should not be taken lightly. They plan to grow government and to give it more power. They plan to tax all of us with an environmental tax to pay for it and in doing so they will make our businesses less completive. And they must be stopped.
seringador sai uns tomates e tambem tenho aqui uma tela velha para rasgar
abraços meteo
bem aqui deixo esta noticia porreira sobre toda esta cena feita para que al gore ganhe não só o nobel da paz como se fazer novo presidente dos estados da tanga ( usa ) amerdicanos não gosto deles nem com batata frita.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Al Gore is, well, almost as bad as John Kerry, but now it seems that Kerry has finally learned to keep his mouth shut, at least for now. Not so much Al Gore.
At the recent Academy Awards Al Gore won an Oscar for best documentary film; too bad the film and book are convenient lies based on a political agenda rather than good science. But that has never stopped the Left. As with most on the Left, global warming and environmentalism are the cause celeb; their rallying cry and organizing concept. It is also the Left's religion. An Inconvenient Truth blames Man for global warming and forecasts dire consequences for the world unless we reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the next ten years.
Of course, the way they propose to do this is by growing government and adding even more regulations to hinder business and increase their costs. The only dire consequences would be for businesses, every consumer, and particularly for the poor and elderly who would have to pay more for everything because of the new environmental taxes. Make no mistake about it; everything will cost more and our businesses will be less competitive internationally. This will result in plant closings and job layoffs; basic economics that the Left has such a difficult time understanding.
During Gore's world tour to promote his book and heighten his visibility in preparation for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, he had numerous opportunities to debate real climatologists who had offered opposing ideas about the real cause of global warming and he refused each one. He was afraid to debate anyone who knew something about the topic that did not already agree with him. He was there to deliver his message, not debate anyone on the facts who might challenge his faulty science. Facts were never part of his equation.
Now we hear that the debate is over and the case is closed; their other god has ruled - the United Nations - has decided that global warming is 'caused' by Man so there is no need for any further discussion; it is time for action. Surprise! This type of socialist-collectivist mentality could not be further from either the truth or from reality.
But Al Gore may know what he is talking about at least in one area; energy consumption. In this area at least, he may have some 'street creds'.
Take, for example, Gore's 20 room mansion in Nashville, Tennessee. His average electricity bill is more than $1,300 per month. His yearly combined natural gas and electricity utility bill is almost $30,000. That is enough energy to provide energy for 20 typical American homes. Clearly, Al Gore practices what he preaches and is doing his part to conserve energy. His motto must be: Do as I say, not as I do. This type of hypocrisy is typical of the Leftist elite.
None of us should completely disregard our own energy use and we should what we can to reduce it. However, it should not be a government-mandated reduction. Afterall, we have free will, we live on the same planet, and we should endeavor to protect both our own economic interests as well as the environment in which we all live.
Back at the Academy Awards; Melissa Etheridge won best theme song for the motion picture An Inconvenient Truth beating out four competitors, including three songs for the film Dreamgirls, for some song no one has ever heard. Coincidence or preplanned politics?
There are many excellent books out that contradict the Left's specious assertion that Man is the 'cause' of global warming.
One of the newest and best is The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, Mr. Horner makes the point that environmentalism is the religion of the Left and heresy by anyone with a different view will not be tolerated. Another superb book is Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years by Dennis T. Avery and S. Fred Singer. Both are highly recommended.
The Left's political socialist-collectivist political agenda concerning global warming and environmentalism should not be taken lightly. They plan to grow government and to give it more power. They plan to tax all of us with an environmental tax to pay for it and in doing so they will make our businesses less completive. And they must be stopped.
seringador sai uns tomates e tambem tenho aqui uma tela velha para rasgar

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