As tempestades e nuvens vistas lá de cima (avião)
Mais umas fotos lá de cima.
Desta vez são fotografias tiradas por Mathieu Neuforge, um piloto da TAP que tem um excelente blogue chamado
Pics From the Office onde partilha fotografias tiradas do seu escritório
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TCU's (Tower Cumulus) over Spain. We were enroute from Lisbon (LPPT) to Rome (LIRF) in A320 CS-TNM at FL380.
This is one of those big Cumulonimbus's or CB's that can be seen over Europe in the summer.
Fully developped CB
Mountain wave revealed by clouds. A319 CS-TTA from Lisbon (LPPT) to Barcelona (LEBL). Present position over NVS VOR at FL380. Wind at FL380 was 005/100kts and hdg 060.
Shot taken from A320 CS-TNK from London Gatwick (EGKK) to Lisbon (LPPT).
Lenticular cloud formation over Eastern Spain (approaching TOBAL). A319 CS-TTO from Venice (LIPZ) to Lisbon (LPPT) at FL390.
This shot was taken from A319 CS-TTJ flying from Munich (EDDM) to Lisbon (LPPT).
This is a close up view of a contrail (condensation trail) left by another aircraft after its been exposed to the upper atmosphere for a while.
Clouds being drawn down the mountain slope by strong winds across the tops. This picture, one of my better ones, was taken shortly after taking off from Geneva (LSGG).
Ilha do Pico - Açores
Mathieu Neuforge - Pics from the Office