Conjunção planetária c/centro galáctico - 23/24 Dezembro 2007

Luis França

23 Mai 2006
A very remarkable planetary/galactic configuration occurs on December 23rd and 24th 2007. The configuration on December 23 — Mars, Earth, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Galactic Centre — is shown in the graphic simulation linked below; it becomes even more remarkable in that it will be accompanied by the Full Moon (conjunct Mars) at about 2 a.m. on December 24 when a simultaneous Venus square Neptune occurs. It is even more remarkable in that the Pluto/Sun conjunction appears exactly on the Winter Solstice, just past conjunction with the Galactic Centre.

Symbolized in the history as the 3 rays and becoming later the trident and becoming later the trinity, will happen the 23 of December. This will happen at the moment mercury will be align with sun, jupiter, earth Pluton and Mars, in the galactic center direction.
Not in january 2008, not in 2009, or 2012 but now, December 23 2007.

Link below is the view from Mars toward the Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Mercury, Pluto alignment toward the Galactic Centre on 23 December 2007 which occurs just after the Pluto/Jupiter (Heliocentric) conjunction on 23 November 2007. NASA Solar System Simulator for 23rd Dec 2007


Solar System on Dec 22, 2007. What is not shown is Pluto (which would be to Jupiter's right) Saturn, which follows down from Venus, and Uranus and Neptune. Saturn and Neptune form the cross's t-member. It is a 23/12 configuration. There will be a full moon on Dec. 23, 2007


Cometa Holmes no dia 27 Novembro
Última edição:
Pluto & Jupiter will first align with the Galactic Center on DEC 11th.
The SUN will align the Galactic Center on DEC. 18th,
at the same time that JUPITER enter Capricorn.

Then, comes GRAND Conjunction about Winter Solstice, followed by the FULL MOON into the alignment.
Also the cross aligns with Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty and the great pyramid of Cheops, which also aligns with Orion, at exactly 19.5 and 33 degrees.


Encontrei este texto num fórum de discussão sobre este alinhamento importante que ocorrerá no dia 23 de Dezembro de 2007. Deixo aqui a transcrição porque a achei curiosa sobre vários aspectos:

"The first Fact is that on December 23rd 2007 we have a major, unique special celestial event. Make no mistake, all of these things happening at this time are major events on there own. Put them all together and we have the Gret galactic Cross event. Our Sun will be on a Galactic cross along with other amazing celestial events all on the same day!

A very remarkable planetary/galactic configuration occurs on December 23rd and 24th 2007. The configuration on December 23 — Mars, Earth, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Galactic Centre — is shown in the graphic simulation linked below; it becomes even more remarkable in that it will be accompanied by the Full Moon (conjunct Mars) at about 2 a.m. on December 24 when a simultaneous Venus square Neptune occurs. It is even more remarkable in that the Pluto/Sun conjunction appears exactly on the Winter Solstice, just past conjunction with the Galactic Centre.

So the image of a Sun on a cross has been passed down to us from many Millenia gone, from before recorded history. The ancients left us a message, one that told us of a special event that happens once every 26,000 years. The Mayans give us the date of 2012. The problem is that the event is in 2007 and not 2012, that is if this is not 2012 after all.
Either way it does not matter.
The event is this year, December 23rd 2007. The Great Galactic cross. The story hidden and known now mainly only by secret societies and now us. The masons have always known, it is one of their biggest secrets. They have hidden the real date in the washington architecture. All the info is in the first link. Skull and Bones set their watches 5 minutes ahead. This is known secretly to mean 5 years.
The New Testament of the Bible are a Romanic Jewish relatively new take on the original story. All the language was sexed up to match the times and to try and bring control over the masses for a new millenia. It worked.
The truth even still comes out of the words though.
If you swap the bible for a celestial event with the sun on the cross, all the other characters of revelation make sense.
The Woman of revelation is Venus. The 3 visable comets on the 23rd will be the 3 wise men. The Moon will also be blood red after a perfect Lunar eclipse with mars, also on the same remarkable evening.

The big problem is that there is no Great galactic Cross event in 2012 whatsoever. Go through the simulator and you will find that the most special celestial event in 2012 is a conjunction with Venus.
The event that is being depicted on this cross are happening now, december 23rd 2007.

Bottom line, no matter what you believe.
The Great Galactic cross Event on December 23rd 2007 is the biggest event in Humanities History, and Future. Total fact. And you have 17 days till it happens."



Outra explicação mais "acertada" ou mais "científica" acerca da dita conjunção de 23 Dezembro (desculpem não traduzir para português mas podem utilizar este tradutor )

"People need to understand that Dec 23rd is not the one and only day. In fact, there may be events leading up to and after this date. And things do not just happen because there is a scientific explanation to everything.

Sunspots and cme's of the sun occur when two or more planets align. The severity is determined by the number of planets, the accuracy of their alignment, and what area or constellation of the solar system they are in.

In a similar fashion, the same holds true for the earth. Earthquakes and storms are earth's version of sunspots, cme's and solar flares.

You may notice it has been a little cooler than normal. This is because of the convergence of Jupiter and Pluto in the GC, or galactic center. As the two converge, it will become cooler. Around the 10th or 11th of this month, they will be in conjunct with the sun. During this period from now until then, the Sun will become agitated--which you can view on the SOHO website. On the 10th or 11th, a huge sunspot or number of spots will form on the back of the sun.

The Sun has a 25-28 day orbit. Because of the earth's position near the solstice, it will take a few days before we see this spot com around the edge of the sun. The sun during this period will "darken", and on the 23rd, the spot should be aimed at earth--and at the same time, the earth will be aligned with the moon and mars--and jupiter will be on the other side of the sun. This should trigger one heck of a cme, which may be earth directed. Also around the 23rd, there will be a neptune venus square earth--which should also trigger simultaneous earthquake activity--among other things. Sunspots I believe also contribute a great deal of micro wave activity too. It might be a bad time for electronics and power grids if this occurs, regardless of whether or not we are hit with a CME.

On the 12th of December, GC, Pluto and jupiter will be aligned with the earth causing a pulling, which should affect the earth's oceans' weather patterns, and could cause quake and volcanic activity. This will be modulated on the 19th and 20th by the passing of Mercury, further raising difficulty levels. Expect a cold wave to intensify as arctic air is pulled downward. Earthquakes may also be on the menu.

So if you are worried about the 23rd, you must also realize that things are going to occur before that date. How bad will things get--this is the big question? But if you wish to procure supplies for your own well-being, this weekend may be your best opportunity. To not prepare for any type of disaster is stupid. Weather can be man's best friend or worst enemy and preparations of even a modest nature can reduce the strain on any emergency services in your community or country.

Will mankind get through it--yes. As I said before, there is no knowing of how minor or major this series of events will be. But the events people fear in 2012 have no scientific basis other than we "might" be aligned with the GC--and nothing else. And the Mayans weren't the only people on the planet familiar with the workings of the solar system. Everyday we are aligned with the GC, it is what our solar system revolves around. And like an atmosphere, there is a layer on the out edge of the solar system that acts like a membrane. it is when the internal components of the system align where the power of the GC becomes evident.

Many people talk about pole shifts or other catastrophies. Can one occur in this period??? Can't be sure.
And like with any potential disaster, get some water and food and other items you may need. And also keep a close watch on SOHO or other sun instruments and monitor the weather on the globe. I mentioned that the oceans would start to have difficulties. As you can read elsewhere, they are having them now--I am talking about them becoming more intense.

But please everyone, have a level of maturity to understand both the mechanics and the possibility that we might have a bunch of stuff to deal with in the very near future.
Just sit back and watch. "