Observatório Nacional de Atenas (National Observatory of Athens)
In the last years we have read a lot in Eurpean weather forums about the National Observatory of Athens weather station.
I have decided to collect some informations about it, by asking the National Observatory of Athens.
Sorry for writing in English, but google translate performs too much poorly to use it in this context.
First message
Oggetto: NOA Thiseio weather station
Da: **********@********.it
A: <********@meteo.noa.gr>
Hello, I got your email address from http://www.eurometeo.gr/contact.htm
I am an Italian weather enthusiast. I read every day the weather data from Athens, especially those from Thissio. Despite of several searches, I have not
been able to retrieve many informations about the NOA weather station from the internet. All what I know is here: http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_station-images.htm, a webpage that does not show the details I am interested to know. I would like to know how the NOA temperature station in Thissio is installed;
for instance if it is on a terrace or roof or at the ground instead, how far from buildings, with which kind of shelter (passive vs fan aspirated), and if
any picture of the instruments for the measurement of temperature exist and may be supplied.
Best regards.
****** ********
Oggetto: Re: [Fwd: NOA Thiseio weather station]
Da: **********@noa.gr
A: <**********@********.it>
Dear Mr. ********
The National Observatory of Athens has three stations measuring temperature in the area of Thissio. One is a class A manned meteo station, the other two are automated meteo stations.
Two of the stations are very closely located and serve different purposes.
The manned station (operating since 1858) is located on top of the Nymphs hill (107m) close to the historical building of NOA. It consists of a 1m3 Stevenson screen equipped with both classic liquid-in-glass thermometers and bimetalic thermograph as well as Pt100 sensors for continuous logging. Manual observations are performed at 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. The data collected are reported on a monthly basis to the WMO (through HNMS) and published in the form of Monthly Climatological Buletins every year. If one asks for temperature data from NOA, this is what he/she'll get.
One of the automated stations is located on top of the Pnyx hill (107m again) surrounded by trees (with heights slightly lower than the station) (coordinates in GoogleEarth 37.9720009N 23.718624E). It operates since the late 80s and was originally mentioned to provide local meteorological information relevant to the operation of the actinometric instruments. The data collected by this station are those presented in our web page.
It has a Qualimetrics fan aspirated radiation shield (this looks like two metallic pipes - probably some aluminum alloy- one inside the other and the thermohygrometer lies in the middle of the inner pipe (I can send you a photo in a few days if you wish) and the thermohygrometer is a Rotronic MP101A-W4W (since 2009, a Qualimetrics 5129-C sensor before that). Both instruments have capacitance hygrometers and resistance thermometers (Pt100 for the Rotronic and a combination of three thermistors -if i am not mistaken- for the Qualimetrics). The thermohygrometer is routinely calibarated every two years (at least for the past ten years or so).
The system is located about 3.5m high, protruding about 0.5m from a meshed metallic structure surrounding the mast and supporting the raingauges. You can see a view from below at (http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_station-images.htm). The shield is the white L-shaped pipe hanging to the right of the raingauge (and the mast)
The second automated station is a Davis (24h aspirated) located in the former gas factory known as Gazi (maybe 750m to the northwest and lower elevation than Thissio). This station is installed on a 2m mast at the edge of a balcony (totaly about 8m above ground) facing Peiraios str. (a 4 lanes street) the ancient cemetary of Kerameikos and the Ermou pedestrian street (GoogleEarth coordinates 37.978384N 23.715263E). You can see the data at (http://penteli.meteo.gr/stations/athens/) and the station also has a web camera.
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Spyros Lykoudis
Technical Scientist
Se here we learn that there are 3 weather stations in the very centre of Athens managed by NOA
1) the "historical" NOA station in front of the NOA building, that is the 16714 WMO-labeled one.
2) the instruments (good instruments in my opinion) at the actinometric site
3) the totally urban Davis at the Gazi site.
What we find in monthly bulletins is the data coming from station 1
What we see in real time pages comes from station 2
I mean, this page

It is not very clear if the informations reported here http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_climatological.htm refer to one of those stations or they are a mixture of them or they add up all them. Perhaps there are described instruments and features of both stations.
In the last years we have read a lot in Eurpean weather forums about the National Observatory of Athens weather station.
I have decided to collect some informations about it, by asking the National Observatory of Athens.
Sorry for writing in English, but google translate performs too much poorly to use it in this context.
First message
Oggetto: NOA Thiseio weather station
Da: **********@********.it
A: <********@meteo.noa.gr>
Hello, I got your email address from http://www.eurometeo.gr/contact.htm
I am an Italian weather enthusiast. I read every day the weather data from Athens, especially those from Thissio. Despite of several searches, I have not
been able to retrieve many informations about the NOA weather station from the internet. All what I know is here: http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_station-images.htm, a webpage that does not show the details I am interested to know. I would like to know how the NOA temperature station in Thissio is installed;
for instance if it is on a terrace or roof or at the ground instead, how far from buildings, with which kind of shelter (passive vs fan aspirated), and if
any picture of the instruments for the measurement of temperature exist and may be supplied.
Best regards.
****** ********
Oggetto: Re: [Fwd: NOA Thiseio weather station]
Da: **********@noa.gr
A: <**********@********.it>
Dear Mr. ********
The National Observatory of Athens has three stations measuring temperature in the area of Thissio. One is a class A manned meteo station, the other two are automated meteo stations.
Two of the stations are very closely located and serve different purposes.
The manned station (operating since 1858) is located on top of the Nymphs hill (107m) close to the historical building of NOA. It consists of a 1m3 Stevenson screen equipped with both classic liquid-in-glass thermometers and bimetalic thermograph as well as Pt100 sensors for continuous logging. Manual observations are performed at 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. The data collected are reported on a monthly basis to the WMO (through HNMS) and published in the form of Monthly Climatological Buletins every year. If one asks for temperature data from NOA, this is what he/she'll get.
One of the automated stations is located on top of the Pnyx hill (107m again) surrounded by trees (with heights slightly lower than the station) (coordinates in GoogleEarth 37.9720009N 23.718624E). It operates since the late 80s and was originally mentioned to provide local meteorological information relevant to the operation of the actinometric instruments. The data collected by this station are those presented in our web page.
It has a Qualimetrics fan aspirated radiation shield (this looks like two metallic pipes - probably some aluminum alloy- one inside the other and the thermohygrometer lies in the middle of the inner pipe (I can send you a photo in a few days if you wish) and the thermohygrometer is a Rotronic MP101A-W4W (since 2009, a Qualimetrics 5129-C sensor before that). Both instruments have capacitance hygrometers and resistance thermometers (Pt100 for the Rotronic and a combination of three thermistors -if i am not mistaken- for the Qualimetrics). The thermohygrometer is routinely calibarated every two years (at least for the past ten years or so).
The system is located about 3.5m high, protruding about 0.5m from a meshed metallic structure surrounding the mast and supporting the raingauges. You can see a view from below at (http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_station-images.htm). The shield is the white L-shaped pipe hanging to the right of the raingauge (and the mast)
The second automated station is a Davis (24h aspirated) located in the former gas factory known as Gazi (maybe 750m to the northwest and lower elevation than Thissio). This station is installed on a 2m mast at the edge of a balcony (totaly about 8m above ground) facing Peiraios str. (a 4 lanes street) the ancient cemetary of Kerameikos and the Ermou pedestrian street (GoogleEarth coordinates 37.978384N 23.715263E). You can see the data at (http://penteli.meteo.gr/stations/athens/) and the station also has a web camera.
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Spyros Lykoudis
Technical Scientist
Se here we learn that there are 3 weather stations in the very centre of Athens managed by NOA
1) the "historical" NOA station in front of the NOA building, that is the 16714 WMO-labeled one.
2) the instruments (good instruments in my opinion) at the actinometric site
3) the totally urban Davis at the Gazi site.
What we find in monthly bulletins is the data coming from station 1
What we see in real time pages comes from station 2
I mean, this page

It is not very clear if the informations reported here http://www.meteo.noa.gr/ENG/iersd_climatological.htm refer to one of those stations or they are a mixture of them or they add up all them. Perhaps there are described instruments and features of both stations.
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