Seguimento Actividade Solar 2010

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O ano 2009 terminou com um crescendo da actividade solar.

Desde ontem que estão a ocorrer os primeiros M Flares do actual ciclo solar 24. As erupções da classe M já são de média intensidade capazes de provocar interferências rádio por exemplo. O último M já tinha sido em Março de 2008 ainda do ciclo 23.


M2.3 Captured by STEREO Behind


AURORA ALERT: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Earth is entering a dense solar wind stream and this could trigger polar geomagnetic storms

CRACKLING SUNSPOT: Old sunspot 1039 is crackling with solar flares. Over the past 48 hours, it has produced five M-class eruptions. Click on the image to play a movie of the latest, an

The ongoing sequence of flares signals a sharp upturn in solar activity. Before this week, the last time the sun produced even a single M-class solar flare was in March 2008--almost two years ago. M-class solar flares have a moderate effect on Earth. Mainly, they boost the usual ionization of Earth's upper atmosphere, causing short-lived radio blackouts at some frequencies and radio enhancements at others. For an example, scroll down and read the section "Ionospheric Disturbance."

Today, the active region responsible for these fireworks is emerging over the sun's eastern limb where it can be seen from Earth: finder chart. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
O sol tem andado calmo demais com uma relativa ausência de manchas solares.

Mas pelo que tenho lido os cientistas dizem tratar-se de fases cíclicas e que o maior pico de energia será em 2012.

Será coincidência e terá a ver com o alinhamento do sol com o centro galáctico e que acontece uma vez a cada 26 000 anos e que coincide com o fim do calendário Maia?

Uma coisa é certa, os Maias sempre foram excelentes astrónomos e sem recursos de alta tecnologia, sempre conseguiram fazer previsões exactas...

Estranho e ao mesmo tempo bizarro...
Calmo mas nem tanto. Segundo o ultimo report, estão a começar a surgir manchas visíveis em vários locais do hemisfério norte do sol. O ciclo solar 24 está a começar...

A 2ª explosão do tipo M desde 2008 produziu-se esta madrugada e é a maior deste ciclo solar...

Dia de hoje com uma pequena surpresa. O aparecimento de uma mancha no hemisfério sul do disco solar em princípio relacionada com o anterior ciclo 23, apesar de não estar ainda totalmente confirmado...

O sol atravessa o período mais calmo das ultimas semanas. Apenas é visível a mancha 1049 e mesmo esta não parece muito intensa.


O fim de vida dum cometa ou vários, ou talvez fragmentos do mesmo.

COMET TOAST: The solar system has one less comet. On March 12th, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) watched as a comet plunged into the sun and disappeared. Fierce solar heating completely destroyed the icy visitor from the outer solar system. Click on the image to see the comet's last hours

The comet was probably a member of the Kreutz sungrazer family. Named after a 19th century German astronomer who studied them in detail,Dirk Peeters.Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a giant comet at least 2000 years ago. Several of these fragments pass by the sun and disintegrate every day. Most are too small to see but occasionally a big fragment--like this one--attracts attention.
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PLAYING HOOKY: Is solar activity bad for the economy? A massive prominence on the sun's northeastern limb seems to be distracting the workforce. "This gorgeous prominence has me mesmerized behind my telescope instead of behind my desk," confesses astrophotographer Alan Friedman, who sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Buffalo, New York

the distance between the uprights of this massive prominence measures about 90,000 miles... an easy goal with the Earth as a soccer ball.

Large Eruptive Prominence Imaged by STEREO
Credit: STEREO Project, NASA
Explanation: What's happened to our Sun?

Last week, it produced one of the most power eruptive prominences ever seen. Pictured above, the prominence erupted in only a few hours and was captured in movie form by NASA's twin Sun-orbiting STEREO satellites.

A quiescent solar prominence is a cloud of hot solar gas held above the Sun's surface by the Sun's magnetic field. Unpredictably, however, prominences may erupt, expelling hot gas into the Solar System via a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).

As pictured above, many Earths would easily fit under the expanding ribbon of hot gas. Although somehow related to the Sun's changing magnetic field, the energy mechanism that creates and sustains a Solar prominence is still a topic of research.
O Solar Dynamics Observatory lançado em Fevereiro passado já está a enviar imagens. O Sol como nunca foi visto antes:

First Light for the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Warning, the images you are about to see could take your breath away.

At a press conference today in Washington DC, researchers unveiled "First Light" images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, a space telescope designed to study the sun.

"SDO is working beautifully," reports project scientist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This is even better than we could have dreamed."

Launched on February 11th from Cape Canaveral, the observatory has spent the past two months moving into a geosynchronous orbit and activating its instruments. As soon as SDO's telescope doors opened, the spacecraft began beaming back scenes so beautiful and puzzlingly complex that even seasoned observers were stunned.


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Erupção Solar - Mega-Filamento

EPIC BLAST: As predicted, the a "mega-filament" of solar magnetism erupted on Dec. 6th, producing a blast of epic proportions. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action as the 700,000-km long structure lifted off the stellar surface and--snap!!--hurled itself into space.


