Seguimento Austrália e Polinésia - 2008

Luis França

23 Mai 2006
Huge waves create havoc on the Australian Gold Coast

PEOPLE watching the treacherous surf from the beach were knocked off their feet by freak waves, a boat full of lifesavers was flipped over, and surfers were swept out to sea as the Coast was hammered by huge surf yesterday.
All beaches on the Gold Coast were closed as winds of up to 90km/h whipped up dangerous waves that caught plenty off guard.
Two people were stranded in waist-deep water after a freak wave pounded them against eroded dunes at The Spit about 2pm yesterday.
They were forced to cling to poles under the sand-pumping jetty to avoid being swept out to sea.
A huge crowd of people, including small children, also risked their lives trying to get a closer look at Mother Nature's fury by venturing to the end of rock wall at The Spit.












Mário Barros

18 Nov 2006
Maçores (Torre de Moncorvo) / Algueirão (Sintra)
Re: Seguimento - Austrália e Pacifíco 2008

Boas fotos ;)

E nós a ve-las passar aqui davam jeito para fazer uma limpeza ás praias, tão cheias de todo o tipo de artilharia de guerra.

Mas vamos dar tempo ao tempo que vai haver para todos :p


21 Mar 2007
Enchentes arrasam plantações na Austrália

Inundações estão causando prejuízos nas plantações da Austrália, que recentemente haviam sido arrasadas por um longo período de seca. O país enfrenta uma série de fortes e esporádicas tempestades que atingiram dois dos maiores Estados agrícolas do país, Queensland e Nova Gales do Sul. Neste último, centenas de fazendeiros foram afetados. O governo estatal declarou a região costeira área de desastre natural, com uma estimativa de US$ 18 milhões em danos a plantações, animais e infra-estrutura. Já no sudeste de Queensland, as inundações foram descritas como as piores dos últimos 20 anos.
Fazendeiros que já dependiam da assistência do governo por conta da seca que se estendeu por quase uma década agora precisam da ajuda oferecida a vítimas das enchentes também. O governo federal disse que está providenciando assistência a comunidades afetadas em Nova Gales do Sul, Queensland e Território do Norte, se necessário. "Para famílias atingidas pelas enchentes, será dado US$ 140 por pessoa e cerca de US$ 646 por família para suprir necessidades básicas como comida, roupas e acomodação", declarou o primeiro-ministro de Queensland, Paul Lucas. O governo federal providenciará ainda um fundo para ajudar a reparar os estragos em rodovias e demais infra-estruturas.
Cerca de 300 pessoas, incluindo voluntários, ajudam as vítimas das enchentes. Metereologistas avaliam que o pior da tempestade já passou, uma vez que o ciclone Helen não se intensificou no norte de Queensland. No entanto, a previsão é de mais chuva e inundações. A passagem do ciclone e o mau tempo também interditaram as principais praias do Estado. Os turistas tiveram que se contentar em observar os surfistas arriscarem manobras em ondas de até três metros.
Nova Gales do Sul é considerado o Estado mais atingido pela seca. Normalmente, produz cerca de 8 milhões de toneladas de trigo no inverno, número que diminuiu em 40% nos últimos anos, segundo dados do governo. No ano passado, a Austrália passou pela pior seca que tem registro em sua história.
Em outubro, o Departamento Australiano de Agricultura e Fontes Econômicas previu uma colheita de trigo 22% menor do que a normal em todo país, contabilizando 12,1 milhões de toneladas do produto, o que corresponde a menos da metade produzida no ano de 2005 e 2006.

Folha Online - BBC Brasil

Luis França

23 Mai 2006
Re: Seguimento - Austrália e Pacifíco 2008

World Surfers Experiencing Biggest Waves Ever Seen

Breaking Earth News
California, USA

Surfers catch SOME OF THE BIGGEST WAVES EVER SEEN - In the middle of the weekend storm, surfers were bravely making history at a break off the California coast. The waves were breaking about a hundred miles off the California coast Saturday, at a spot called the Cortes Bank. It's an underwater seamount that created waves, the surfers say, that were larger than 80 feet on the face and THE BIGGEST SEEN OR SURFED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. A crew of elite "tow-surfers" used jet skis maxing out over 40 miles per hour to catch the beasts.

Monster Waves In Australia

The massive swell that hit the New South Wales South Coast over the weekend provided ideal conditions for experienced surfers. "Everyone's calling it 'Super Saturday'." Some of the surfers said they were the best waves they've ever seen in the country. "A couple of the waves were up there with the best waves I've ever surfed."
Image: HOME TURF: Pro surfer Paul Morgan flew home from Hawaii to catch the ultimate wave at Bawley Point on Saturday.

"All the elements lined up to provide VERY RARE surfing conditions" at Bawley Point. "It was a REALLY UNUSUAL event for this area." Image Left: Conditions were perfect for surfers at Bawley Point on Saturday - although many were content to watch the action from the safety of shore.

They’ll talk about Super Saturday for years - The tropical low off the Queensland coast saw an UNUSUALLY consistent big swell pelt the coast for days. It was not unusual for the region to see such big swell, but it was UNUSUAL that it lasted for so long and remained so consistent. "It was epic."

Charging the California coast: surfers catch some of the biggest waves ever seen

The photos you see here are of waves breaking about a hundred miles off the California coast Saturday, at a spot called the Cortes Bank.
It's an underwater seamount that created waves, the surfers say, were larger than 80 feet on the face and the biggest seen, or surfed, anywhere in the world.


23 Nov 2006
Re: Seguimento - Austrália e Pacifíco 2008

Safa ... a mim é que não me apanhavam ali .... aquilo deve pra i uns 15 metros de altura ... o surfista parece uma formiga!!!

80 feet, quantos metros dá isso ???
Alguém me pode dizer, please !!!

Mário Barros

18 Nov 2006
Maçores (Torre de Moncorvo) / Algueirão (Sintra)
Re: Seguimento - Austrália e Pacifíco 2008

Safa ... a mim é que não me apanhavam ali .... aquilo deve pra i uns 15 metros de altura ... o surfista parece uma formiga!!!

80 feet, quantos metros dá isso ???
Alguém me pode dizer, please !!!

São ondas de 24/25 metros...nada de especial :lmao::lmao: a culpa é das alterações planetárias...tambem as havemos de ter se o Altântico quiser.


23 Jan 2007
625mm em 3 horas, em Mackay/Queensland Austrália.

Mackay emergency as 625mm deluge in three hours floods city
HUNDREDS of Mackay residents have spent the night in emergency accommodation after their homes were swamped by floodwaters from the biggest downpour to hit the city in 90 years.,23739,23217643-952,00.html

Mackay flood recedes, bill to hit millions
Authorities in Mackay have urged residents to be patient as the flood recovery and relief operation continues in the north Queensland city

Mackay begins massive clean up
Residents of Mackay begin a massive clean up today with more than 2000 homes damaged in flooding sparked by an incredible one-day rainfall of 625mm yesterday.

Mário Barros

18 Nov 2006
Maçores (Torre de Moncorvo) / Algueirão (Sintra)
IT looked like snow, and it felt like snow, but in what may come as a disappointment to Sydneysiders, today's winter whiteness was just soft hail.

Just after 3.30pm (AEST) this afternoon the area around Lindfield, Roseville and Killara became blanketed in white as a thunderstorm brought a winter wonderland to parts of northern Sydney.

"It's given a very European feel to Roseville," one Roseville woman told the Seven Network.

"I think the snow here is better than Perisher," a man from the same suburb told the ABC.

But despite some hope that metropolitan Sydney had experienced its first recorded snowfall since 1836, the Bureau of Meteorology said northern Sydney had just been blanketed in hail.

"It was soft hail," senior forecaster Peter Zmijewski said.

"Snow has a different appearance - snow falls in flakes."

Mr Zmijewski said Sydney experienced a white winter afternoon because it was cold enough to stop the hail melting as it fell and cold enough to preserve it when hit the ground.

The mercury fell to around 10 degrees in metropolitan Sydney on a wet and windy afternoon.

Temperatures need to plummet to around two degrees to produce snow, he said.

"We get hail in the middle of summer, but today's hail is because it is cold enough that it just didn't melt on the way down, so it fell as a soft, melting ice," he said.

Mr Zmijewski doubted the 1836 snow report, saying weather observers of the era lacked the expertise of today.

"We are almost in the sub-tropics in Sydney," he said.

"Two hundred years ago they may not have been that well trained and it was probably small hail.

"Places like the far west, the Blue Mountains, you can get snow. But to get it in the eastern half of Sydney you would be pushing very hard."



Super Célula
7 Ago 2008
Re: Seguimento - Outubro 2008

Eu sei que nã é o local indicado para postar esta mensagem por isso peço desculpa! Noticia TVI segundo o telejorna na Australia houve uma tempestade brutal com ventos superiores a 100 km hora com muitos raios (um verdadeiro espectaculo); mas o mais estranho foi o frote nevão ke caiu em seguida:shocking:
neve nao!!!!!granizo notava-se perfeitamente pelas imagens;)