Seguimento Europa 2010


26 Nov 2005
Middelburg, Holanda
Come on Spata is totally left unprotected to the meltemi winds and the Aegean sea. Whereas the Athens basin TOTALLY different in that it is surrounded by unique geomorphologic features and mountains towards all directions,closed valleys and plains from all areas,phoen effect prone areas and off course towards the Argosaronic gulf and not the colder waters of the Aegean.

Again we do not really care what you think of the stations in Greece if you can not substansiate that the HNMS stations are faulty or stevensonscreen is used in all stations.I dont even know!I only know Parnitha Mn for sure.

It's like I am giving private tuition.Just read on Athens or come and visit and save us every theory and personal opinion that you have in your mind.

As I said I am simply deconstructing the misconception that Andalusia is the warmest area in Europe by showing how a peninsula by the sea can be the warmest on average in Europe consistently in the summer! If we can find a strong opposing force in Europe for the Athens basin then I would be suprised, I doubt it would be Europe anyway...maybe the likes of Africa or Red Sea can really give trouble to Athens in my opinion

And here is how it stands 24 days in August and after the recent cooling of Greece

Btw the credit for the fancy charts goes to Ian Williams from the UK forum


Yes, I noticed the discussion over there I know he makes the charts.

I am not surprised by the Greek values being the highest btw. To me it makes totally sense. It is much more to the east, the seas are warmer than the western mediterranean and so minima and probably average will be higher. Over here, in my cool country I have witnessed the exact same. Vlissingen KNMI being warmer at night and particularly this is caused by the high minima over there.

If I am correct the Etesian/Meltemi is comparable to the low pressure area building up over Iberia. It kees the wind constently north in direction. More NE near Kalamata and I'd say especially at summertime because they seem to be induced by warming of the sun, giving way to build up of pressure differences. They will probably be somewhat reduced at night, which is normal. I don't think they will blow all the time of course.
I don't see any reason why this area would be affected more by the sea than Athens area. In fact, it would be similar at least and at day, with a stronger wind it would be less affected. The sea is nowhere to be found in the NE, less than the Athens area and in Athens a SW to Se wind comes from the sea. In Kalamata less so.

I have been looking at Antalya airport and you need not go to Africa or the Red sea. Over the period 2002-2010 the average daytime temperature over there are 29,5 C in both july and august, based on 98% of the all measurements. That is reached particularly due to higher daytime maxima. But also Antalya airport, yet again, is surround by buildings and a city....Still: it is warmer.

The Greek climate is very interesting though: it has avery nice mix of valleys, sea all over and high mountains. Makes for a very diverse setting to influence the climate.

The myth you are decontructing is a problem, because people simly look at the daytime maxima and than Guadiana and Guadalquivir region are warmer. They are mor econtinental also, so the minima are lower and even much lower on the Portuguese side. You need to change peoples attitudes to what is warm and what is cold. Pretty tough task. Even the many many forecasters over here express their excitement over the 40+ temperatures in Southern Spain/Portugal, like yesterday "And look over here, in SW Europe near Seville they even go up to more than 40C!!!" And they do so on a regular basis, mentioning Andalucia, inland Portugal many times. That is how it has been as long as I can remember and I think you will not change it.


10 Ago 2010
Well at 25 days here is the standing!The current heatwave in Andalusia will make it a thriller,however Athens will most centrainly rule over the most contintalized regions of Europe and by far!

Soon we will have the new WMO record in the Athens basin and Athens will collect one more of it's longstanding records beating fair and square again everyone in the continent!

Btw Antalya is left second again with Athens for the period 2001-2009 standing at exactly 30.0C July average!But who cares for Asia?In Europe Athens rules



26 Nov 2005
Middelburg, Holanda
Crossing the 200mm rain line for august now and it keeps on pooring down.
Situation in The Netherlands is looking very wintry btw, very weird. The north has eastern winds and temperatures reached 15 C only, we in the south had SW winds and despite the rain we went up to 22 C. Normally this time of year an east wind is a warm one and the west to SW wind the cooler one. Not just, but it is by far warmer with eastern winds and cooler with westernwinds. But now it is not. Look at Finland and Lapland, they are down to 7 - 13 C at day. Looks like the end of september rather than august.

In winter we would be eager to just look that core of the depression travell over Belgium giving as brisk, cold and snowy wither with -5 at day and -15 at night. Yes! I am waiting for it! I am finished with the summer. Soon the leaves will start to fall here, the first frosty nights will come. The smell of autumn, such a typical smell in my nose. 8 C at day in october and 0 at night heralds the first winter in the air in bright days....Yesyes....goodbye summer, you were nice to us this year and king winter: we'll await you in november. I hope you won't be too late...or be bothered with global warming, like in 2007..and 1990.. and too many years after 1990....


10 Ago 2010
Btw here are the averages for Athens for the period 2001-2009 for July

Mean Max :35.1C
Mean Min: 24.9C


the corresponding mean for San Palbo is 28.7C

Btw the station of Pireus from HNMS which is the port of Athens will be closing to around 28.5C mean minimum for August 2010!I think Eilat will have trouble reaching this!


26 Nov 2005
Middelburg, Holanda
Btw here are the averages for Athens for the period 2001-2009 for July

Mean Max :35.1C
Mean Min: 24.9C


the corresponding mean for San Palbo is 28.7C

Btw the station of Pireus from HNMS which is the port of Athens will be closing to around 28.5C mean minimum for August 2010!I think Eilat will have trouble reaching this!

Well, they could build a 500000 inhabitants big city. Which stores the heat, just like in Athens and re-emits it at night and they'll surpass it. With ease. No European city is a match for Eilat, if you want to see it as a compeition.

BTW: the average over the last 8 years in Eilat is 27.8. And the average for this august is 30.2 C. Teh average minimum.....So it is quite common over there, nowadays. Without a metropole surrounding it. But what can you expect....

Another example in/just north of my city: august minimum rural 8.8 C (absolute minimum) and in the city, on a high roof (25m high) measured with a davis station Vantage Pro 2 it is 12,7 C....A whopping 4 C difference, my station is calibrated to 0,0 C precision. Davis is about +/- 0,6 C.

Finally, yesterday in Moura (Herdade dos Lameirões) they hit 42,1 C yesterday. Today it was again near 41 (likely). In the Guadiana region south of Elvas 41-42 were measured by agro station generally.


10 Ago 2010
Well, they could build a 500000 inhabitants big city. Which stores the heat, just like in Athens and re-emits it at night and they'll surpass it. With ease. No European city is a match for Eilat, if you want to see it as a compeition.

BTW: the average over the last 8 years in Eilat is 27.8. And the average for this august is 30.2 C. Teh average minimum.....So it is quite common over there, nowadays. Without a metropole surrounding it. But what can you expect....

Another example in/just north of my city: august minimum rural 8.8 C (absolute minimum) and in the city, on a high roof (25m high) measured with a davis station Vantage Pro 2 it is 12,7 C....A whopping 4 C difference, my station is calibrated to 0,0 C precision. Davis is about +/- 0,6 C.

Finally, yesterday in Moura (Herdade dos Lameirões) they hit 42,1 C yesterday. Today it was again near 41 (likely). In the Guadiana region south of Elvas 41-42 were measured by agro station generally.

Athens has once again given the European warmest average in modern history and infact this will take place in the Megaris plain some 45km away from Athens at a city of 30.000 people which goes to show apart from the fact that the big city of Athens has zero connection with Megara's and Elefsina's performance.The point is we will be talking for years to come on this outstanding Attica August 2010 performance.Probalby in your lifetime JS Iberia will never come close to what Attica has done this month!!

The Athens basin and Attica is writing history!guess what is the minimum at 4am local time as we speak in Megara?A sweltering seems Athens must have the strongest UHI in the planet so it's heat manages to travel at a 45km distance through the Argosaronic gulf and up the Aigaleo and Kithairon mountains!Sure..And I can also fly:)


21 Mar 2007

Hola, gracias por su información sobre el clima en Polonia.
Esperamos con interés recibir más actualizaciones. Besos.

Witam, dzięki za informacje o pogodzie w Polska.
Cieszymy się z otrzymywania kolejnych aktualizacji. Pocałunki.

Em baixo segue a tradução automática do Google, para português, do link enviado pela Marzena:,1670475,0,1,zerwane-dachy-w-lodzkiem,wiadomosc.html&


21 Mar 2007
Alerta vermelho em três regiões de Espanha e laranja em sete devido a onda de calor

As autoridades de Espanha declararam hoje o alerta vermelho (risco extremo) para três regiões espanholas e o alerta laranja para outras sete devido à onda de calor que se mantém no país há três dias.
A meio da manhã de hoje, a Agência Estatal de Meteorologia subiu o nível de alerta de laranja para vermelho nas zonas de Valência, Múrcia e Alicante, onde se esperam temperaturas que podem chegar aos 44 graus. No caso de Valência e Alicante a situação é ainda agravada por uma humidade acima do normal, o que dará uma sensação térmica de ainda mais calor.



11 Dez 2006
Aqui ficam as máximas de hoje na Península Ibérica:

Incríveis os 43/44º na região SE de Espanha, penso que em Valência não foi recorde absoluto por apenas algumas décimas.

Mário Barros

18 Nov 2006
Maçores (Torre de Moncorvo) / Algueirão (Sintra)


11 Dez 2006


10 Ago 2010
Forecasts say that Greece will be having a very warm weekend.Btw it is getting unbearable in Athens.For the past 3 months my air condition is on 24/7 with the exception of 7-8 days!

I just hope this ends soon.I have been talking to lot of friends and people here in Athens and it has affected the day to day life of average Athenians as it does each summer.Good thing is that we have the Coast of Sun in west Athens and different Attica beaches and I steal sometime to cool down(btw the water is like boiling in the Argosaronic gulf).Thank God daytime humidity is low because with the constant 36.0C+ it is a nightmare,let alone the night temps that are causing a feeling of suffocation as the humidity rises...I am counting the days to go back to London.

Here is the current standing between Attica and Andalusia 26 days so far in August



21 Mar 2007
Vague de chaleur record sur le S-O de la France

Une vague de chaleur étouffante a touché sur le sud-ouest du pays avec des températures exceptionnelles pour une fin de mois d’août. De nombreux records du jour ont été battus, la plupart datant de 1991. Dans certaines villes, il s'agit de la plus chaude journée de l'année.

Températures maximales relevées le 26/08/2010 :

Montauban (Tarn et Garonne) : 41,1°C
Auch (Gers) : 40,8°C
Lavaur (Tarn) : 40,7°C
Agen (Lot-et-Garonne) : 40,6°C
Orthez (Pyrénées Atlantique) : 40,5°C
Albi (Tarn) : 40,3°C
Mont-de-Marsan (Landes) : 40,3°C
Toulouse-Francazal (Haute-Garonne) : 40,1°C
Villefranche-de-Rouergue (Aveyron) : 39,8°C
Pau (Pyrénées Atlantique) : 39,7°C
Bergerac (Dordogne) : 39,6°C
Gourdon (Lot) : 39,4°C
Dax (Landes) : 39,3°C
Brive (Corrèze) : 38,9°C
Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées) : 38,8°C
Des températures élevées ont aussi été relevées dans la vallée du Rhône et sur le Massif Central: 37.1°C à Saint Étienne, 36°C à Lyon, 36°C à Clermont-Ferrand, 34.4°C au Puy en Velay, 34 à 36°C le long de la vallée du Rhône.

L'Espagne et le Maroc ont également été touché par le même phénomène, de nombreux records de chaleur y ont été battus.

CATastrophes NATurelles